Lyft Prime Time Hours – Prime Time is a percentage of the Lyft fare added on total fare calculations thereby adding revenue from drivers. Prime Time hours occur when Lyft consumer demand is greater than the number of Lyft drivers available. The amount of Prime Time varies considerably based on the number of drivers available than ride requests.
Similar to any other services, there are Lyft prime time hours as well. Indeed, there are the best times to drive that will help you to earn more money. Many factors create such prime times. For example, events, games, rush hours, or people going to or returning from work, among others. Want to know more about the best times to drive? Just read on.
The Lyft Peak Hours
To put it simply, the peak hours are the hours when many people are traveling from one place to another. Indeed, the morning and the evening, where people go to and return from work are among these peak hours.
Of course, the morning and the evening of weekdays are not the only peak hours. There are other times as well. Outside of weekdays, the peak hours tend to be the times where people are out but either cannot or don’t want to drive on their own.
When do those times occur? Rush hours, Friday night and Saturday night, where people are going to clubs and bars, the days where special events are held and so on.
Using Lyft’s Heat Maps can help you to find these peak hours as they tend to be consistent, altered only when there is a special event.
Lyft Prime Time Hours
Lyft has a feature known as Prime Time. This feature is applied when the rides’ demand is higher than the available drivers in a given location.
When this happens, the passengers will pay extra money in addition to the base ride fee. For instance, if the normal base ride fee is $6, with 50% Prime Time the fee will become $9.
What drivers need to know is that Prime Time adds a certain percentage to the ride fee subtotal. This subtotal is calculated before the fee is reduced by taxes, service fee or other additional costs.
A driver can see Prime Time in their Lyft Driver app, on the Heat Map. Prime Time is applied when the pickup location of a ride is inside a pink square. The location of Prime Time is based on the pickup location of the ride, not the driver’s location during ride request.
Predicting The Lyft Peak hours
With the Lyft Driver app, you can predict when the peak hours occur in your area. With the Heat Map, you will be able to know in which location that drivers are needed most.
The darker the shade of pink is, the higher the demand for drivers in the area. Likewise, the lighter the shade, the fewer the demand.
Another good way to predict the peak hours is by knowing your area well. That means knowing ahead of schedule the events as well as the weather conditions in your area.
For example, if there is a concert, a big conference or even bad weather, it is a good time to drive as people either cannot or don’t want to drive during these circumstances.
Taking note of the rush hours can help, too. Be aware and you will be able to predict the peak hours in your area.
Why Do Peak Hours Time Matter?
For drivers, peak hours mean more opportunities to earn more money. After all, Lyft increases the price with Prime Time in an area where the demand for a ride is higher than the supply of drivers.
Driving in such times will allow you to multiply your earning. Depending on the situation, you may even earn three times the amount of money than normal hours.
Using The Lyft Prime Time Hours to Maximize Earning
Now that you know what Lyft prime time hours are, when they happen and how to predict them, you should be able to take advantage of them. Driving during peak hours can make a significant difference in your earning.