Lyft vs Uber price comparison is often sought by many people across the nation. Both Lyft and Uber are providers of the on-demand ride. They are both great and have the same concept. Many people use both of them. However, some people do not want to switch between Lyft and Uber for multiple times. That is why they want to use only one of them.
On the user engagement factor, Uber is better than Lyft. Although the cost of travel for Uber and Lyft is almost the same as $2.00/Mile. The trips start at $1.00, costing roughly $1.00/Mile and $0.25/Minute.
Comparing Uber vs Lyft Pricing
Comparing Lyft and Uber is quite difficult because there are only a few differences between them. What about the price? Here is the price comparison for both of them.
Uber vs Lyft Pricing to Start a Ride
Uber and Lyft are very similar. The price to start a ride for both of them is the same. Both Uber and Lyft charge the passenger $1,00 to start a ride.
As for the charge per mile as the ride goes, both Uber and Lyft also charge the same: $1.50 per mile. After the ride is done, an additional $0.25 per minute fee is going to be charged to the passengers.
This exactly similar price of Uber and Lyft proves that both providers are pretty much competing very hard for each other.
Uber vs Lyft Pricing During Prime Time
Primetime is like the most demanded time for drivers. They are needed by the users of Lyft and Uber more than any other time in a day.
During prime time, of course, the price for a ride is not the same as the regular time. Seen from the prime time price, Uber and Lyft are very different. Let’s start with Uber.
For Uber, peak time or prime time is a very valuable time. They don’t want to miss the opportunity to get as much money as possible for the drivers and the company.
That is why the price for Uber ride can increase drastically up to 8 times compared to the original price. As for Lyft, the prime time is the time where the price gets higher. However, the change in price is not as drastic as Uber.
If you order a Lyft ride during prime time, peak hours, or surge times, the price increases twice the amount of the original price. At most, the price increases by 3x. This is why Lyft is better during prime time.
Discounts and Bonuses for Using Lyft and Uber
When it comes to bonuses and discounts, both Lyft and Uber adopt the same concept again. They have several programs of bonuses and discounts to make sure that the passengers are loyal to both Uber and Lyft and use it again and again,
Some of the best ways where passengers can get those discounts and bonuses are just riding as frequently as possible with them. Besides that, there are also bonuses to invite friends to drive with Lyft and Uber. As for discounts, discounts are usually given at random times, most likely during special occasions.
Now that you know which one cheaper, you have the right to choose that one. However, considering that the price gap is not too wide, you can just freely choose any of them for your daily ride.
Honestly, they are both great and affordable. You can count on them every day for a ride. If you already get used to using Uber or Lyft, you do not have to switch just for the sake of the price.
With all the bonuses and discounts, both Uber and Lyft give benefits to the customers. This is why the Lyft vs Uber price comparison above is not required actually.