Uber will charge a cancellation fee on certain conditions and situation. We know that this fee applies to the Uber users to compensate for the driver’s job. But how if we have the reverse situation. Sometimes the drivers make a cancellation after accepting the fare. Should Uber drivers get penalized and have to pay Uber driver cancellation fee?
Get the fact that driver’s Uber cancels the trip is something that is appalling. Just imagine you have to wait so long for something that is uncertain conditions. In this case, it is certainly very defeating the riders.
The riders trip will be too late because of the unilateral cancellation by the driver of the Uber. And customers certainly complain over this situation.
But is there a solution to this issue from the Uber Customer Services. For examples charged an Uber driver cancellation fee for canceling the order
There is currently no way to know why the driver of the Uber suddenly vanishes and canceling the trip. This is because the reason why the driver disappeared is nothing showed in the booking details. Surely it would be hard to complain to the Uber over this.
On the Uber application, there is no way to give negative feedback to the driver who did the unilateral cancellation. And yet there is also a cancellation fee when users complain. So the cancellation fee may be deducted from the credit of Uber driver and transferred to the user.
Understand Why Uber Driver Cancel The Ride?
The driver of the Uber could have been canceled for taking an advantage of the surge in the price of the fare. So they chose to cancel the old travel fares. The goal is very clear, so they can enjoy the benefits of the new surge fare.
At the other side, some driver’s Uber and lyft said they turn around and cancel the trip if it turns out there is a problem with the riders. Some of which are rated low for the driver or the pick-up distance too far.
The driver of the Uber and Lyft also likely will be doing a u-turn if riders speaking harshly or sound was drunk. Also, the driver will cancel the job if the passenger does not answer the phone or text message from the driver.
Uber Driver Cancellation Fee is Not, But Penalized is Waiting
The response from the Uber on this matter is, the Uber is encouraging drivers to accept the job only if they are absolutely certain to travel. The Uber encouraged the independent drivers to work hard in servicing the request from the Uber user.
Although the Uber didn’t give a penalty and the fines to the driver for a cancellation of the trip, Uber will keep track of each drivers rate every week. Uber will warn the driver if the cancellation percentage exceeds 10%.
Uber drivers will risky to get time-out penalty if the percentage has continued to rise. Then, under certain conditions, the driver’s account could be suspended and can’t accept the job. This will be detrimental to the Uber driver’s because they did not earn income from the Uber.
So the conclusion is Uber driver cancellation fee is still not given by Uber, but penalized is waiting for the bad Uber drivers.