Understanding Uber vs Lyft pay is very important to know when you’re considering to be a driver for these ride-sharing companies. How much drivers really earn, some studies that have been done to define which one pays better to driver. The survey is actually not giving much clear result as the earning of each driver vary based on certain factors.
Uber and Lyft has been known to heavily compete on pricing to lure customers away from each other. Of course this price competition will affect the driver’s earning.
However, there are other factors influence their earning aside from the main pricing. Driver’s availability to pick up passengers in certain times where the demand is very high will also certainly affect the earning.
Uber vs Lyft Pay: Which One Pays More to Driver?
Based on a survey conducted by loan company Earnest, Lyft drivers are reported to get more income than Uber drivers. The Lyft drivers earn from $210 to $377 per month while the Uber drivers earn about $155 to $364 per month.
However, it’s found that if you drive for both Uber and Lyft, you will make slightly more than Uber on average. Earnest’s study that is received from loan application of its users doesn’t have estimation on typical hourly pay. So, you can’t clearly define whether the earnings reported in the study are net or gross.
Furthermore, any car’s expense will also significantly reduce your earning. When buying gas and car’s maintenance cost are added into the earning, driver might have to reduce 20% to 30% of the gross income they got while driving Uber or Lyft.
Another survey that shows which one pays better between Uber vs Lyft pay is done by RideShare Guy blog. The survey asked 1,150 drivers about how much they achieve while driving for Uber or Lyft. It covers the ins and outs of driving for Uber and Lyft.
The result of the survey shows that earning of the Lyft drivers is about $17.50 per hour on average, while Uber driver earning is about $15.68 per hour on average. It makes sense as the Lyft’s rate is slightly higher than Uber. So, driver will have a chance to earn more money.
One point to be noted based on the survey by RideShareGuy blog is that at the time of the survey. Lyft drivers could get tips from passengers, while Uber’s passengers didn’t have that option via Uber app. This difference in tipping option might have affected driver’s earning as well. Hence, Lyft driver can earn more than Uber’s driver.
Other Factors Influence Driver’s Earning
Besides the companies’ policy, the condition of the city and how the driver drives influence the driver’s earnings. Some drivers who drive for Lyft are said to feel that they made more from Lyft due to tipping policies.
Uber charge different price in different markets. Thus, big and crowded cities tend to have more passengers. So, it does make sense that driver’s earning is influenced by the city condition.
Based on the study conducted by Harry Campbell, an Uber driver who manage the RideShareGuy blog, driver’s earning is also affected by the driver’s age. It’s revealed in the study that young drivers from both Uber and Lyft earn more money than the older ones.
Campbell presumed that the young drivers earn more money because they can work more than the older drivers. For example they can work during high-demand times, which is often to be late nights during weekend.
On clearer statement, neither Uber nor Lyft offer estimation on how much drivers will make if they join them. The main point they offer to drivers is about the same: the more you drive, the more money you will earn.
So, guys, which one pays better? Uber vs Lyft pay is still continuous. Moreover that now Uber has also added tipping option on their apps, allow passengers to give driver some tip through the application. Probably, you can opt for driving for both Uber and Lyft if possible. Consider also driver’s satisfaction review to both companies before you sign up. Thank you for reading.